Each night, I take a trip to the water therapy room. NOw ponder this Ya yall..
I was watching the discovery channel the other day and this guy traveled the earth and joinded just about every shammon tribe on earth that would have him. He drank near death potions that allowed for out of body and extreme secret things, there was one thing that caught my eye................
One of the later tribes used a method where the out of body hut used a door that was extremely LOW!!!!!!! They did this on purpose! It was so all who enter MUST BOW down to GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, this seemed pretty cool to me! The side walk I made that takes me to the water therapy room goes under a grape arbor.. I built this grape arbor 10 years ago and I made a mathimatical mistake and it was always LOW, but I never walked under it much, so I did not care. NOW I go and pour a thick side walk under this grape arbor and I learned REAL QUICK, if I do not BOW, I smack my forhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thus I recreated the BOWING before I open the door to the Water Therapy Room. Now some may think I am stupid/crazy, etc. and they may be more right than wrong, but I believe the only part I was really drawn to watch, was the method of bowing before you enter, something we in the USA never do.
BEFORE I seen this show, I had plans in the Spring to raise the grape harbor UP, but now I think I will leave it where it was planted 10 years ago! PONDER THIS: was the grape harbor in place awaiting this water therapy room? Does everything happen in its proper time?
The only thing you can bank on, come 10 PM or later, I take a trip in the dark, bow under the grape harbor and I enter the water therapy room. It is not finished, but I was never one to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sample it nightly and sometimes even in the early hours.. 90% of the time I am alone! I have not sampled 5% of what I plan for than room..
Bathing in water up to my neck nightly has reduced my fluid intake way down!!! I don't drink as much and I am finding it hard to eat near as much. The food I am eating causes problems more than normal, thus making me want less and less of the stuff. I find this all very interesting and can't wait to see the results of long term use as well as the many experimental baths ahead.
I kinda think this: I think maybe we can absord all we need through our skin, just as Dr. Christopher proved many years ago with a girl that lost her throat to an accident. This being so, opens up highways to new theories........ My Dad once had a theory about the belly button and this has never left my mind!
I do know this: I believe water was never meant to be drank from the ground. I think ground water is a poison. I have gave Tippy Toes Trevor a glass of water and he hands it right back to me and you can tell, he has the expression of, like what kind of fool do you take me for???? It is as though I handed him a glass full of poison, he will not even sip it when hunger or thirsty.
Our skin is like our intestines
Both are to keep inorganic metals from entering the blood stream... The tree root bark does the same for the tree, no metals can enter...
"IF" we keep our skin and our intestines clean and worm free, we should live forever! An example: The Olive Leaf Tree, known to live well past 2,000 years. Why? It has very few parasites... The Peach Tree, dies in 20 years or less, had lots of parasites.....
Keep the bad things out, that is the goal of the clean temple!!!
The wife would FREAK OUT if I lowered that GRAPE VINE down to two feet tall; to simulate the Native Shamon Hut, well, actually; she would think me nuts to even draw the conclusion in the first place and she would not even know what a shammon was, etc., etc., etc...... But I would have no problem making it so all who entered had to do so by getting down on their knees! Not that it need be done, just that it is a neat idea and "IF" done in the right attitude it would show respect. Actually we should all do the same to all our homes!
Another thing I have noticed:
As a child, I was born with a nose that bleeds easy, always the right side. It appears now over the years, that I EXPELL toxins this method. I rarely bleed over a few seconds or maybe a minute. It can be because I am hot, or nervous, high blood pressure and "IF" I just ate something toxic or some herb that thins the blood rapidly. "My nose always lets me know" As I use water therapy more, my Nose has became more active... Just a little something bad and BOOM; out comes a squirt of blood within 1 minute of consumption of the bad thing... The other day the wife gave me a mint type candy to make sure the breathe was clear before entering the chiropractors office and BOOM, in 60 seconds my nose started bleeding and bleeding and I figured out it was this mint and I spit it out and soon the nose stopped.
I believe as Dr. Hulda Clark does, that what ever enters our mouth, in less than 60 seconds the substance is in every cell of the body. In my case: Those toxins can be collected by the blood, and sent to the right side of my nose and expelled within 1 minute of consumption.
I have often believed my nose was a weakness of my body; I remember my older brother having the same issues and my parents took him to the MD and had his nose BURNED and it never blead again. Today I believe it is a good pressure relief valve and should save me from a heart attack, etc. Instead of blowing apart, hopefully my nose will just let some pressure off!!!!! Or, is it that my nose is just weak? I do not really know, but I know water therapy has gaven it more control over me, in that it points out real quick when I stick anything bad in my mouth.
When I get nervous about my nose, I just take some alfalfa capsules and thicken my blood up and that shuts the nose down. But I have pondered many years about the right side of the nose, especially when I learned it controls the body tempature and has powers the church NEVER EVER wants to know about. Our nose and sinus cavity has the potential of very, very powerful powers...
Blessings you all!!!! I must take my trip and bow as I enter and relax to my self and enjoy allot of H20.