First, when it says Thou Shalt Not Kill, it means the people...or do you think God will punish somebody for killing an animal. I wonder how many cockcrouches (spelling?) you've killed, or mosquitoes, ants on the road? Then you've done wrong.
Second, if a vegetarian is in the hospital with a broken bone, that is a sign of weak bones. I wonder why they would be weak. Unless of course and beam of steel fell on it!
Third, I wonder how many beauty products or other products for that matter you use which contain animal products. Unless you make EVERYTHING you use. What about the clotes. Do you own anything that is 100% leather.
Fourth, is fish included in your list of killing animals? Then Jesus certainly very wrong for feeding thousands of people with fish.
Fifth, Romans 14:1-2 "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables". And if you keep reading it mentions not judging the other person, just like you're judging people who eat meat. I don't mean to judge you, you've chosen to eat vegetables only, but that only shows you're a weak person.