Hello everyone!
My husband is allergic to just about everything from cats to weeds to trees and pollen. HE also loves his beer and wiskey sometimes. I don't drink so I don't understand it- I hate the taste. However He loves the taste a lot and he likes to have a beer in the evenings sometimes, but then shortly after he has one his allergies get 10 times worse literally. I have been searching the net to find out why beer would make his allergies worse. MY CURIOUSITY IS KILLING ME- WHAT IN BEER TRIGGERS ALLERGIES? Can people with allergies drink? He is even more miserable today and has a headache. Any kind of beer will do this to him and we know its the beer becasue he will be find and then all of sudden flare up. He is just very frustrated and a little upset that this keeps happening to him. What can we do? How do we cure him of these horrible allergies and can someone please please tell me why beer does this?
Thank you soo much
Concerned wife