Hi there, well I am also currently on a water fast, I am on day 6 though, from the books I've been reading and the other research I've done, the best way to break a fast is the following:
Day 1 Freshly extracted juices only, whatever appeals to your tastes the most, either fruit or vegetable, a half glass diluted with a half glass of water drunk every 1-2 hours.
Day 2 Can progress to solid fruit but only fruit
Day 3 Fruit and vegetables all raw, no salt whatsoever as this can trigger a mad binge, also absolutely no animal products on any of these days (also trigger a binge)!! Have a few raw almonds and a little sliced avo on this day as well. If you eat a few too many nuts that is fine.
Day 4 Fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, avo's etc, all raw still no salt. Continue with this for as many days as you fasted for. This will bring you the ultimate benefits from your fast, as much of the healing that begins during your fast continues once the fast is broken provided the correct eating takes place.
After you have been on raw food for as long as you fasted for, you can add in cooked food, such as whole grain rice, potatoes, etc, but try to stick to eating raw fruit and veg nuts and seeds during the day and only eating cooked food at supper time, after you have eaten something raw, either a salad or a side plate of raw veggies, then progress to the cooked starch and cooked veggies etc. That way you will be ensuring that you are eating around 75% raw which is a fabulous maintenance plan for your general health as well as to maintain your weight loss.
As regards the smoking, I have definitely heard that before, in a couple of my books it says that fasting is a great way to get rid of any addictions, including addictions to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs etc. If you find that you don't give up entirely on this fast but would like to then really try and get hold of a book called "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. I smoked for twelve years and tried every manner of trying to stop and then I read this book and bingo, it was like a light just went on and I have never smoked since (its over two years now) nor have I wanted to for a single minute, and I am so sooo happy about it. He doesn't use scare tactics at all, rather he just destroys all your illusions about why you think you smoke, one by one, and once that's done, the desire to smoke simply disappears, and we don't do things we don't want to, that's just a fact. He was a former 100 a day slave to the habit, but quit in 1983 using this method and decided to write a book to help others. There are also clinics that you can go to, however I felt the book was enough, although my sister read the book and went to a day clinic (its also inexpensive), and after that she quit, also with ease.
Anyway good luck with it all!