The following is a chemical composition of the 303 Intrahepatic (Liver) Stones I passed during my first Liver flush.
I fasted three days and used only Epsom Salt. Most of the stones examined were:
cholesterol 86 stones-(28%),
pure bile 55 stones (18%),
calcium oxalate 53 stones (17%),
pure uric acid 31 stones (10%),
carbonate + magnesium 33 stones (10%),
calcium phosphate 21 stones (6%),
and others 24 stones (8%)
were of mixed lithiasis-(Pathological formation of mineral concretions in the body composed of cholesterol crystals, calcium bilirubinate granules, and mucin glycoprotein suspended in bile)
There is no physiologic mechanism in the digestive tract that can explain the formation of so many individual types of stones.
The chemical composition of bile, citrus and olive oil can’t produce the diverse composition of the above intraheptic stones!
Remove the olive oil and citrus as in my case and the notion is even more preposterous. The simple fact is that each stone forms in a congested biliary tube or duct in the liver.
Several stones in my initial flushes were conglomerates that formed reverse impressions of the biological structure of the inner liver!
To suggest that ANY stone formed from a
Liver Flush is created in the digestive tract is pure nonsense.
In a three year span my wife produced a great number of stones in over 20 flushes and has produced NO STONES with the same formula during her last six flushes.
If you don’t understand hard
Science at least use your common sense. If the stones were formed in the digestive tract you would never get to a point that you produce NO MORE STONES.
Please disregard ignorant skeptics and believe the
Science behind liver flushing. Or at least give in to common sense and enjoy the great health that follows.