Dear Jaynee,
I was offering support to the poster starting the last thread, but maybe I missed the mark. Thank you for yoru question about what foods my cafeteeria offers.
There are customer contolled portions and Server controlled portions. The hot foods are served ontoa plate by servers. Meat, Potatos, Vegetables. Often there is chicken, but the temperaturess are not carfully monitored on the Chicken, and I have had unlucky experiences with chicken.
I can serve portions of Soup, Salad, Salad dressing, chese, Cottage Cheese, Apple Sauce, Deserts, and drinks. Soft Drinks, Milk and Juices.
I ill often get a large cup of soup, often clam chowder, or vegetable beef soup, and get extra vegetables by skipping a meat portion, and dip the plate vegetabels into the soup, for flavor. I really don't like vegetables that much.
Cereal is also available with unlimited Half and Half, unlimited butter.
I am not so much in touch with a sugar highg from over-eating. I like to feel my stomach full. So Stapling my tomach would probably work for me. But it seems I could use self-disciplne to push away form the table.
Perhaps I can conjure some visions of reasons for eating scrimpy, when I am sitiing down to the table. As I eat more, I can try to envison those desired goasl slipping further and further away from my grasp. Maybe I shold tighten my belt before I go into the cafeteria.
Dear Jaynee,
I try to eat an apple for breakfast everyday. I take a BillBerry-Ginko pill and a Silver Centrupm Vitamin, with a third of a cup of instant coffee.
I have coffee again in the evening, about 1/3 cup.
I had been watching my alkalinity, but have not checked for a while now.
i had an EVA test in March, and an MSA test this month. I had low readings on the EVA test, and I have tried to do some exercise.
I try to eat sprouted spelt bread and low salt foods.
I try to minimize meat and eat more soyy proteien substitute meatballs or hamburgers. I try to eat Soy cheeses, and avboid hard cheeses, to keep Alkalinity better.
I have been taking some magnetized water under my tounge, MSA Biomeridian created. My Biomeridian technician felt I needed to get more balanced, before she could understand what supplements might be helpful.
She feels I need soem detocxification. More cleansing of the Prostate.
Thansk for your questions.
I have heard from other experts that the quality of Centrum vitamins is not high quality.
What is the importance of high quality vitamins? What if the Vitamin is some high percentage of filler? What if the vitamins are not pure? As long as thh vitamins are not mxed with carciniogins or poisons, what does it matter that a vitamin is poor or high purity?
What are the other standards of quality for vitamins?