It is a rare Bentonite (I think) clay from only one place on Earth, in Wyoming.
There are four hundred-some mentions of it on CureZone, and thousands on the Web.
Fascinating reading!
Here is the first listed when I Googled...
I actually took these little doses for the magnesium, thinking to speed up bowel action with a different form of magnesium. I took the first 1/4 tsp in soup broth, and the second in a spoonful of water with a few drops of lemon juice.
I repeated the same amounts the following day.
Uh...don't put it in anything you will's a little gritty. But great as a moist pack on your teeth, gums, etc. Just add a few drops of water to a little pile of the powder in your palm.
Later I read that magnesium ISN'T the first-listed element in Pascalite. Oh well, I am familiar enough with it that I know it does nothing but good.
Pascalite draws! Oh my, does it DRAW! Some say that it will draw mucoid plaque from one's intestinal system. I wouldn't be surprised.
The site says that it works on a principle of 'ion-exchange', both imparting it's minerals and absorbing toxins.
Apparently all or most clays do. But Pascalite does it better, I think.
It seems we were very smart to buy a whole case of it (12 pounds) some years ago, before we knew enough to use it often.
This time I took two small doses of it for two days. Nothing spectacular happened in my bathroom, except that all is a little better than I was experiencing in the days before.
I'm eating a little of this and that, to improve my system...a few prunes each day, and so on. I am pretty certain that my bile flow is slow, though not sure why...either gallstones or possibly parasite blockage. I'll soon know.
I think the flow of bile is essential to bowel health, and every other system.
Probably I'll go a little longer with a little bigger dose of Pascalite, and see what happens. For sure it isn't a 'medication' in any way, so it may be used in combination with herbals, I'm confident, though I'll use it in the intervals, just in case it acts differently than my Humaworm drinks.
(Yes, I empty two caps of Humaworm in a 1/2 cup of good warm water, and chug-a-lug...sipping the rest of nearly two cups of hot water thereafter. Humaworm smells and tastes wonderful, but hot, and bitter. I like it!)
Thanks for asking about Pascalite, Esme. You remind me.
I'll post what happens next.