I believe PH balance. I feel it is a large part of getting healthy. However, I am finding Ph balance to be difficult to understand. I have numerous tests backing me up as having candida. Stool tests and blood test, soon to be followed by a conclusive urine test and not to mention the tons of candida I see everyday large amounts. Yet, my PH( when i was at my sickest) was 6.4. This is my blood PH not urine or saliva. Although my urine and saliva were pretty close to that. While 6.4 is not perfect,it is not bad at all considering my health situation. As sick as I have been not only has my PH not been bad , but taking the approach of trying to raise my ph in an effort to get rid of candida did NOT work. I meticulously ate only veggies , drank tons of water. Took tons of minerals. My urine ph went up and up. Yet I contuned to feel like I was dying. My health did not improve. My conclusion was that minerals were just passing right thru me and not being absorbed or utilized, but this raised my urine ph falsely. Because as I said my blood ph is 6.4 even when my urine showed anywhere form 6.75-7.50.
So while ph may have something to do with how I got here, it is not the answer at this point to getting well. Getting well for me means clearing out that which is causing lowered ph , which is candida ( and possibly parasites). I am sure you are right about the
parasites coexisting with candida.
I look at Ph as an indicator, and not as the solution. Low ph is an indicator something is wrong. But trying to force the body into an alkaline state will not work unless the underlying cause is uncovered. All the alkaline foods and minerals in the world will not help someone who does not absorb b/c their intestines are covered with candida and
parasites stealing all the nourishment. I know my underlying cause. Problem is, what to do about it.
Tons of candida still pouring out of me. How is this possible? All I know is that about 15 years ago I struggled with candida, went on diet and ate yogurt, no other treatment and I got rid of it completely in about 1 year. This time not so easy. This time symptoms are much worse and much more dibilitating.
I will be starting a drug treatment soon. I have made alot of progress with natural antifungals, but I feel as tough this is a long term plan doing it this way.
Images are very interesting, keep up the good work.