Hi everyone!
Does anyone use the kefir powder (as opposed to grains) from Body Ecology or Wilderness Family Naturals? My local WAPF chapter leader said I can use each packet 7 times; i.e. do the starter with milk the first time and use that batch to start your next. I find it hard to keep the milk from separating when I reuse the kefir, and was wondering if anyone else had tried this? What proportions do you use? It's just not as good as that first batch but that only makes a
quart (supposed to be 2 cups but I make a quart) and those packets aren't cheap!
Also, I'm beginning to wonder if my kombucha starter isn't getting old. I usually use the "baby" for each new batch but it seems to be taking longer and longer to ferment and doesn't get as fizzy and sour. I keep it in a warm closet so I don't think the cause is cooler weather. I really can't stand the taste when it's too sweet but mixing it with mineral water for fizz helps. Could it have gotten contaminated? Maybe I'll have to steal some pH papers from the lab at school :) Any kombucha experts' input would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any replies!