Thank you, Humaworm! My husband and I will be doing regular parasite cleanses with your product. It's totally worth taking right away - I started having benefits immediately, improving my energy and clarity, in spite of getting clogged up.
I have finished my 30 days on Humaworm. I didn't see anything come out that I could recognize as a worm, but I feel better in subtle ways (and not just because I got things moving - I had some constipation in the first couple of weeks). I took this not because I was sure I had anything, but because I'd definitely had enough chances to get nasty parasites!
I think the strangest effect that I can definitely attribute to Humaworm is that my BRAIN feels clearer. There's something I can't quite describe that seems to have happened in the back of my neck & head. It was definitely a good thing. I was feeling funky there for a while at work (then again, I was also kinda constipated) - I'd get to feeling headache-y and foggy during the day, and I wondered if it was fluorescent lighting in the office or what. I was eating great - including a raw veggie & fruit lunch every day - and yet I was hitting some point in the afternoon where I just felt cruddy. After several days on the Humaworm, that started to go away.
Because of what I've experienced on the Humaworm and in starting to clean out my intestines, I am quite sure I need to continue on with the bowel cleansing. I can't explain why I should be so clogged, but I think I am. If you start to feel cruddier while on Humaworm, and your BMs just don't seem to be "enough," then you're probably backed up!
After one of my enemas, something that looked like miniscule pieces of rice (way too tiny to actually be rice) came out & floated! They didn't resemble any food I'd had. They looked whole, very light in color, and they didn't look like broken up seeds or anything else that's come out of me before. This is before I took any psyllium, too. I don't know what that was, but I'm glad it's out.
The PETWORM was awesome. I had no idea either of the cats had any kind of worms - I just figured they'd get herbified at the same time, just to be safe! After a couple of days of the herbs, one of the cats vomited - and there were these dead worms, flat and grayish, in that vomit! They were clearly worms!
I think one or more of the herbs in there were doing good things for my skin. I've been having problems with acne for a while now. I'm interested in continuing to take some of these - maybe the burdock? I am going to start adding the clay to my psyllium tonight. If anyone has suggestions about taking that stuff, let me know! There will definitely be more liver flushes in my future (haven't done one in a while)!