Since posting my last post, Ive had a BM (sorry for being graphic but it just scared the life out of me). There were things in it, and ive just gone through some human parasite images and found out what they are. Ive passed several (well, I found five, but I didn't check further, the BM was probably full of them) dwarf tapeworms, about an inch and a half or so long, some a bit smaller.
I also came across a pic of an intestinal fluke, about an inch or so long. I passed a couple of these when I was doing the P&B shakes and couldnt understand what they were.
I think there might be one or two other things in there (some flat things about two inches long, jelly like), and some small flukey looking things that were very dark red.
Can you point me to any more informtion on these things? Also, is there anything I should be doing apart from taking Humanworm? Will Humaworm rid me of these things? Ive never fished around in a BM before, so I might have been passing them for years as far as I know)
What I dont understand is that I am not underweight. However, I do have a very stressed liver, and loads (and I mean loads) of food intolerances, and am anaemic all of the time despite taking supplemtns, and feel weak and tired constantly. Would this be signs of their presence?
I am really shocked. To be honest I only started the parasite cleanse as a precaution, having been treating myself for systemic candida for a while, I thought it would be prudent, just to make sure.
HOw long will it take to get clean? Should I take humaworm for a longer period?
Im reeling with this and feel like I don't want to be next to myself (if that makes any sense).
Any advice you have for me would be appreciated.