Hello Monika
Thank you for your clear and open question about your breasts producing a few drops of milk when you squeeze them. I understand you have already taken medical advice; please continue with this advice. I will mention a few points that have come to mind since your question was posted on the forum.
Some medication can start lactation in the breasts; please check the side-effects of any medicine you may be taking and check with your doctor if this could be a possible cause of the lactation.
1). What is the cause of this ailment?
I am not sure this is a problem. I feel it is natural for a 23-year-old woman to have breasts which are developed and ready to serve their function of producing milk. I know you say you have only just become sexually active and have been stimulated by sex chats over the Internet. I do not feel you should give up having a healthy sex life just because your breasts are producing a few drops of milk when you squeeze them.
2). Is it a common problem with women of my age?
I do not have wide enough contact with women of your age to answer this question with any certainty. I am sure many women have experienced a similar condition at certain times in their lives. You may also be able to buy bras which have absorbent pads in them to conceal this condition in normal daily activity.
3). Is it going to create any further problems in my breasts?
Your thoughts about your health are very powerful. Therefore, I would say, you need to relax regarding this condition and have it monitored regularly by your doctor. However, please also enjoy life and live life in a way that feels natural to you. You have come to the perfect age to have children, if this is what you desire for yourself, and this could just be a sign from nature that you are ripe to fulfil the role of a mother and use your breasts to feed your offspring.
4). What is the best possible solution to the problem?
I feel a steady relationship will help to bring balance back into your life and help your body through the development it is undergoing in preparation for starting a family. Accept your breasts as they are and know that if they are not giving you any pain, as you state, they are healthy and developed for child bearing.
5). Is this problem going to affect my sex life?
I am certain if you relax regarding this issue and live your life in a normal healthy way for a person of your age, you will have a fulfilling, active sex life, which is both enjoyable and healthful to your nature.
6). Will I have any problems to have children?
I am sure you have the opportunity to have happy healthy children and I do hope that you choose to breast feed your children when they are born.
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On this page, you will find my Energy Balancing Guided Meditation. I am sure this will help to settle your hormones and bring your energies back into balance.