This whole synchronicities thing isn't exactly new to me but watching for it, reacting to it and embracing it is. Here is my short story of the last few weeks.
I had been having this strange occurrence in the last couple of months.
At about 3pm I was reading an email when the familiar feeling of extreme déjà vu came over me. I sat staring blankly at my computer screen trying to piece it all together. I was trying to figure out how this one was like the last one and the previous one before it. I was also trying to piece how the words and subject I was reading could have triggered this feeling. Then I began to feel light headed, my body began to tingle and I started to feel like I was going to faint. I slowly pulled myself out of that feeling and again tried to piece the feelings and situations together but could hardly seem to grasp a faint memory of what just happened. Then, just like that, everything was fine. I ended up with a small headache and a worrisome feeling of, how many times is this going to happen? I thought it was a chance occurrence. Is there something wrong? What could this be?
I started doing some research about the symptoms and eventually ended up making an appointment with a psychotherapist. She made several suggestions one of which was to read the book The Celestine Prophecy. I found the book to be very enlightening and to have a lot of truth. It has a large focus on coincidences and synchronicities, which have really opened my eyes to them.
The strange part is the first one happened before I even read the book. I went to my local library to find it and was also looking for another book. I went to search for the other book first and right next to it on the shelf was “The Celestine Vision: Living the New Spiritual Awareness” I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to grab it up but I didn’t even know what the vision was yet so I decided to read the book first. Turn out I didn’t even like the book I was looking for that was right next to it, but I feel like I was drawn to it so that I would find this one.
The second synchronicity that has to deal with this book just happened last night. In the last two weeks I have been practicing Oil Pulling and looking at a lot of alternative medicine literature. I’ve found information about Ayurvedic medicine very interesting and have actually been looking for more information about it. So last night as I’m reading The Celestine Vision and he’s explaining the part about the coincidences he gives this example of running into an old friend. It tells a story of a Doctor who began to seriously consider alternative medicine. As if this weren’t enough synchronicity, it goes on to say that a man suggested he study Ayurvedic medicine.
You can imagine the look on my face at this point in time. Until a few weeks ago I’ve never heard of this medical practice and here it is coming up in a book about coincidences that really has nothing to do with Alternative Medicine!
I’m going to be keeping a close eye on this relationship and see if there is something that can lead me to a diagnosis/cure for the strange happenings that had me seeing the therapist in the first place.
Thanks for Reading! - I'll follow up!