i was taught by two very good chefs how to make salad.
this is what they did:
they sprinkled salt over the greens, then squeezed lemon over them and tossed.
then they added olive oil and garlic, massaging the dressing into the lettuce by hand...
yes, it makes a huge difference. adds that 'loving touch'. :)
how i make a salad is:
i squeeze lemon juice into the bottom of the bowl, add oil, salt, garlic, and whatever else i want that's chunky... cubes of cukes, avocado, celery, carrot or beet shreds, etc... and mix it all together, and THEN add the greens and chop the greens and toss everything.
and when i feel a bit extravagant, i'll add raw tahini and/or raw hemp seed butter.
i love good food! :)
love, patricia