The problem is all the antiobiotics you have taken.
Antibiotics can allow fungus to spread, thereby causing Pityrosporum Folliculitis which can resemble
Acne and go misdiagnosed... in my case, misdiagnosed for several years, by several dermatologists, all of whom kept giving me different antiobiotics. Finally I figured out what I had on my own, went to a new dermatologist, presented him with the facts, and he agreed with the new diagnosis. The only things that work for me are:
Floconazole 150mg every other day (have to watch out for liver problems and problems with other medications like crestor)
Washing with Ciclopirox Shampoo 3x per week.
Using Extina foam as needed, but using it every day seems to cause irritation.
Antibiotics for so many years my body has now rejected ut all. I have severe reactions if I take any medications. SO I am stuck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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