It certainly wouldn't hurt to take a vacation from it. In the future, you might want to try diluting the oregano oil 1 or 2 drops to a cup of the oil you're pulling with. Or you could infuse the pulling oil with actual oregano from your spice cabinet.
In the meantime, you could try infusing your pulling oil with fresh garlic, which has astounding healing and anti-everything properties. Add 1 clove crushed fresh garlic to 1/2 to 1 cup of the oil you're pulling with, and store it that way. Shake before use.
Another idea would be to pull with virgin coconut oil until your sore heals. That also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. My skin LOVES that stuff. I have had no new pimples or breakouts *anywhere* since I started slathering it on all over. It is antibacterial enough, I've been using VCO instead of deodorant, and it's working just as well as the store-bought aluminum compound sticks. All my little bugbites and sores are healing beautifully. I had a lot of skin problems before starting the CureZone cleansing/detox routines.
You know, I am so excited to be here on CureZone. My faith teaches that God has given us everything we need for vibrant, full health, and it all springs from the earth. I have always leaned towards naturopathic healing, but CureZone has really amplified my self-care arsenal in an amazing manner. Learning about
Bentonite clay, oil pulling, SWFs, Humaworm and VCO among other things just reinforces those lessons all the more. How could I have missed out on all these great things for so long?? CureZone ROCKS!! :)