I was out and away from all computers for the weekend, but kept notes on my results of using Hemp Oil to do my OPing. :) I have some more interesting ones. lol. Not quite as interesting as the tonsil thing, but interesting none the less.
* Unknown substance from vaginal canal continued through day 5, at which point it had flecks of blood in it. At the end of day five, it stopped completely. I haven't had this for day 6 at all.
* Base of fingernails continue to become a little more green each day.
* I have caps on my two front teeth. You can now tell where the caps begin and where my real tooth is at. There is a clear line between them, where the cap (matched to the color of my teeth at the time) is yellow comparitavely speaking. It's a little embarassing to walk around with teeth that are two different colors, but it's also encouraging that it's so blatent!
* Decay on either side of my teeth are continuing to recede. It's also MOST interesting, since it's so clear what's going on. Others have remarked on the difference and want to know what "my dentist" is doing. So, I get the opportunity to tell them about OPing. They seem to think I'm nuts, but they also look at my teeth and wonder. Seeds have been planted!
* On day 4, I had gas terribly bad and was constipated. (sorry for the details there...) Day 5 was fine, but there were little brown pea sized things floating on the water after my BM. I've been looking at the liver flush and wondered if this was one of those liver stones, since they look so similar. Day 6 shows nothing abnormal so far.
Just an overall sense of well being and contentedness. I am in control of myself and am a better leader because of it. I feel confident, clear, and seem to be just unflappable. It's nice. :)
I've not got that 5 second presentation down yet. Never really thought of it - I've a hard time with considering what others think. It's the analyst in me -
"Facts are facts, so why are you disputing them?"
"Ignore the facts if you like, but sticking your head in the sand won't change the outcome of the facts..."
What is your 5 second presentation? Feel like sharing with the rest of us? :)
Thank you for commenting that you enjoy my posts. From someone who is as respected in this forum as you are, that means a lot.
You said there were unknown substances flecked with blood draining from your vagina. Have you had a yeast infection?
Never had a yeast infection in my life. The substance wasn't itchy or smelly - it just was. My cycle doesn't begin for another 2 weeks. I am not sexually active (abstinence=best form of birth control).
Curious about the base of the fingernail with a greenish hue. Are your nails experiencing any soreness or tenderness? Any greenish hue at the base of your toenails?
Lol. I'm curious about that, too! No soreness, no tenderness. Nothing on the base of my toenails yet. However, I have noticed, just moments ago, that between my thumb and forefinger, on the back of both my hands, is very sore (I would expect there to be a bruise, it's so sore to the touch). According to http://www.dorlingkindersley-uk.co.uk/static/cs/uk/11/features/reflexology/handchart.html, it looks like (best guess, it's associated with my ypper back).
I wonder if and how the hemp oil would help balance female hormone issues. Hemp's omega stats are impressive.
Yes, they are *very* impressive. I like the way Krill Oil stands up, too. Though, Krill Oil is so expensive right now I'd never dream of swishing and spitting it. :)