Observations since Flush 8:
My liver/gb area ached some this month, but no where near the pain I was having when I started flushing back in the spring. I am definitely making forward progress, but it has slowed down significantly since I passed my largest stone on flush #6. I am continuing to see stones, but not nearly as many as I did the first 5 flushes. As with many here, I feel good for 5-7 days then I feel bad for 3-4. But it is definitely better than feeling bad 100% of the time. And I know with continued flushing, I will eventually feel good all the time.
Flush #9:
I tried the 60 ml castor oil and 100 ml orange juice on Monday morning. I've taken castor oil straight before, and I must say that I liked it better mixed with the juice! This gave me expected diarrhea for most of the day, and it did not produce any nausea. I was a little concerned right after I drank the concoction that it would not sit well in my stomach, but I was fine. Many of the BMs consisted of lots of white fuzzy balls that floated. I have no idea what these were. Extensive searching on CZ brought 3 possibilites: candida, white liver flukes, or nematode egg sacks. My last
parasite cleanse was in August, so it would seem unlikely to me that it was parasites.
I did the
Hulda Clark flush, but I had to adjust the timing a little because of a meeting at 7:00 PM. I drank my first dose of ES at 6:45, my second at 8:30, then drank 4
ounces of macadamia nut oil mixed with 6
ounces of grapefruit juice at 10:15. I meant to add
Black-Walnut tincture, but I forgot. I laid on my back for 20 minutes, then rolled over onto my right side and went to sleep. This is the first flush that I have slept soundly through the night. Past flushes, I have woken up at 3:00 and had trouble falling back asleep. I took my 3rd (and final) dose of ES at 6:00. After 6:20, I drank lots of water. My BMs started around 7:30. At 8:00 I had some lemonade and half a banana.
I approximated 15 stones that were 1
cm or larger (none were more than 1.5 cm) and 150 stones that were less than 1
cm (most of these were around 2 mm). The colors ranged from bright green to tan.
My liver and gb feel no different today than they did prior to flushing. I take this as a good sign because they are usually sore for a few days following a flush.
Happy flushing everyone!!