I am heading down the same path as you. Parasites are addaptive creatures. So are your cells. It seems like a constant battle between the two. The real trick is to support the immune-system by trying to balance it out. AIDS patients do this with a number of techniques. It would be fruitfull to check in to what they are doing. I believe that HIV is essentially parasitic .
I am taking a "break" and the protozoa are heading back to the upper-bowel. But they are settling down a bit as well. I think they "met their quota"! I am not going to mess with them until I have a new strategy. My appointment with the specialist is on Mon Oct. 3. Shroom
Hey Glaxony:
Great post with all your questions! Here are some answers which aren't necessarily the right answers you're looking for but maybe helpful.
If you were given a 3-month treatment of allopathic parasitic medicines, like Albenza, it is prescribed to take it for 30 days. Take a break for 14 days, then start the cycle again. If you want a "scientific" model that is one.
As for herbal medicines the reasons for different break periods depends on the manufacturer of the formula, and how many herbs are used in the formula. Suggested breaks are subjective according to the manufacturer, like 10 days or 14 days. For instance, if the formula is designed to be aggressive using harsh herbs, it would be required to take herbs for a shorter period of time (like 14 days), take a break for 7 days then start the routine up again. If the formula uses more gentle herbs to do the job effectively, it would be required to take the herbs for a longer period of time (30 days) then take a substantial break. Also, some herbs are "tonic" herbs which means you can take them for long periods of time without habituation or causing problems. Other herbs are not tonic herbs and can't be taken on a continual basis -- if this is done, more harm is created to the body and organs by not allowing breaks -- those herbs exhaust the body to the point where it can't fight anything off and can cause death. Therefore, not all herbs and formulas can be treated equally.
I hope what I wrote makes sense!
Shroom mentioned HIV pts. -- it has already been proven that HIV people have parasites. Another model to research, is to see what farmers are doing with their herds. I've learned a lot from this research and they have good documentation.
I'd be interested in Humaworm's point of view on this too. I understand based from his family's experience dealing with parasites, they have a certain protocol to follow. I personally don't like the idea of going for 90 days without to allow the to eggs hatch, growing more worms. But I have done this because I knew this was necessary with the type of herbs I was taking and I could feel that my body needed a break.
Additionally, different herbs work differently in people; same goes for medication and the reason why there are different ones for different people.