Forgive me! I just came back to re-read your post and to edit my response to say THANK you so much for your thoughtful and considerate response to my post. You see I was in the middle of something when I responded and wasnt thinking too much when I had to rush to finish my post/response.
I should have started with "thank you" because I really did need that advice because I have had the same problem with salt when I used it topically and did not know why I was having a negative reaction. I wish your post was still intact because I came back to gain more insight about using salt topically. I read it too fast the first time and was not really concentrating on the post-again lost in other thoughts. Forgive me.
What I do remember was that if the salt concentration is higher in the solution that I apply to my face it will draw water out. Then I got involved in my other "stuff" and dont remember what else you wrote. Can you give me the details.
Again I feel so bad for my short and inconsiderate post (above).
Bless you.