Last year I went to see a dermatologist to see about having a tiny skin growth removed from the side of my face. During the visit which could not have lasted more than 10 minutes, she inquired about my general health and I informed here that I had thrush in my mouth and had undergone chelation therapy for heavy metal toxicity. The more I divulged, the more irate she got. There was jut a thin blanket of civility covering outright hostility for what I was telling her.
Towards the end of the visit, I informed her that I am a very pro-active patient and always gather the information necessary for me to make an informed decision and that I am quite competent at making decisions regarding my health and treatment. She curtly ended the visit and but appearently was still willing to remove the growth in spite of our differences.
While paying my bill, (the 10 minute consultation was $100), I tried to inquire about how much the procedure would cost since my deductible is $3000. I was informed that there would be a minimum charge of $250 which would need to be paid in advance. They just could not give me an answer. This growth was smaller than a pencil eraser and just needed to be shaved off. At my insistence, they finally told me that it would likely be at least $600. Already irate with the patronizing and percieved lack of willingness to give me information, to help me make my decision, and with some unmasked frustration I exclaimed, "For $600 I could probably pay a plastic surgeon to do the procedure!"
Appearently the Dr. overheard this and within the hour of my return to my house, I received a phone call stating that the dr. did not desire to treat me. My response was, "Fine, so please refund my money for the office visit", which they did.
I no longer waste my money to patronized and insulted. Most of the Dr.'s that are openminded, you will find by word of mouth by others in the same boat as yourself. I believe the Dr's (if you can call them that) are so guilty that they have broken the Hippocratic Oath of "first do no harm. They cannot admit that all of the anti-biotics they have prescribed over the years have made a whole generation weak and susceptible to illness. It's like a person who never grows. Sure I have done plenty in my life where I made poor decisions which I thought were good decisions when I made them. But today, being older and wiser, I certainly would not stick by those decision when I now know them to be wrong. People who cannot take their lashings really irritate me! They are weak and to be pitied. Pardon my rant. I just have no toler
Acne for that anymore and do not feel the need to argue with them either.
Anyway, if you have thrush in your mouth, you may be able to get a biologic dentist to write the presecription for you. I have used Nystatin Powder and Tablets. I do feel like they have helped alond with all of the other protocol. The powder is especially potent but I quit taking it because it mades me sweat profusely and made me have odor under the arms. I do not know if this was the Nystatin itself or the toxins released coming out. (The tablets never had this effect.) I am a Zydeco Dancer and even though the Powder may have been helping, I found myself not wanting to go out and dance because of the sweating. So I decided I would rather continue the dancing for my mental well-being and nix the Nystatin.