I know this because I'm a bit of a medium. I can do what John Edward can do, that is, receive images from people who have passed on, and I've been able to "translate" images from pets for their owners and had them verified as correct. I stopped doing it for a living because being just a messenger actually got kind of boring, once you get over the awe and surprise that it can be done.
I've watched the Pet Psychic on Animal Planet, she can do the same thing even better than I - when it comes to animals anyway, and so I trust what she says. She's very clear on the matter. Very often she connects owners to pets who have passed on, and their main concern is whether they did the right thing in putting their pet to sleep. So far, all the answers have been that the pet thanks them for helping them leave their body, because they were in so much pain and they were ready to go. Sonia always reassures owners that if they pay attention to their instincts and intuition, that it will be done with appropriate timing.
when I had to have a beloved cat put down because her kidneys failed and she howled each night, I started talking to her every day about how much I loved her and hated to see her in pain. I told her that I would take care of it soon, that she would leave her body and be pain free. When I took her to the vet, she was a little nervous at first, but once I explained it to her she calmed right down and went peacefully.
Our lives here in physical form are actually the shortest part of our soul's journey of growth and evolution. The greater portion lies before and after our birth here. Same with animals, altho they do tend to come back faster than we do. Some people have had the same pet spirit in two different bodies, for instance.
Even if you cannot accept all of this, ask yourself whether you'd want to live if you were vomiting every day?
I hope this helps to give you some comfort and peace of mind about your decision.