Here's a thought: I suspect that it is the ammonia from
parasites which cause the anxiety problems. I know
parasites produce this and I have also read that ammonia makes base which causes the body to become too alkaline (alkalosis). This causes over exitability in the brain area = anxiety. It is also, according to the second chapter I've copied below, converted into glutamate, which is also highly excitotoxic to the brain. Glutamate stimulates neurons to fire and in large doses causes an excessive firing resulting in seizures or panick/anxiety attacks........Ammonia can be detoxed by the amino acids arginine/citrulline and ornithine. All other aminos produce lots of ammonia.
Ammonia is also a by-product from protein consumption (ammonia is in nitrogen which is found in amino acids, the building blocks of protein). It could be wise to not overeat protein, although some is necessary or else the body will burn its own stores and in this way ammonia is still being produced.....and we loose muscle mass. If we are doing a low carb/sugar diet as part of the
parasite treatment (
parasites thrive on refined carbs), this could result in a "foggy brain" from the ammonia toxcicity. The reason is the body won't have enough carbs (which is the primary fuel source) to sustain energy levels and will use protein as fuel instead, thus creating excess ammonia from the protein break down. So some complex carbs could perhaps make us feel less "foggy".
I'm guessing the parasites in addition to their normal production of ammonia also release extra when being killed by herbs or whatever other methods we use????
Hulda Clark :
There is another item, ornithine, that improves this recipe. Parasites produce a great deal of ammonia as their waste product. Ammonia is their equivalent of urine and it is set free in our bodies by parasites in large amounts. Ammonia is very toxic, especially to the brain. I believe this causes insomnia and other sleep problems at night and anxiety by day. By taking ornithine at bedtime, you will sleep better.
Neurotoxicity of Ammonia
Excess ammonia is severely neurotoxic. Marked brain damage is seen in cases of failure to make urea via the urea cycle or to eliminate urea through the kidneys. The result of either of these events is a buildup of circulating levels of ammonium ion. Aside from its effect on blood pH, ammonia readily traverses the brain blood barrier and in the brain is converted to glutamate via glutamate dehydrogenase, depleting the brain of a-ketoglutarate. As the a-ketoglutarate is depleted, oxaloacetate falls correspondingly, and ultimately TCA cycle activity comes to a halt. In the absence of aerobic oxidative phosphorylation and TCA cycle activity, irreparable cell damage and neural cell death ensue.
Alkalosis is the inverse of acidoses. It is a condition in which the body is too alkaline. Alkalosis is less common than acidosis, and produces over excitability of the nervous system. The peripheral nerves are affected first.
Highly nervous condition.
Hyper ventilation.
Sore muscles.
Creaking joints.
Protruding eyes.
Night cramps.
Chronic indigestion.
Night coughs.
Too-rapid blood clotting and thick blood.
Menstrual problems.
Hard dry stools.
Thickening of the skin, with burning, itching sensations.
Calcium buildup in the body as in bone or heel spurs.