yoga and most importantly awareness and acceptance will help you greatly.
your body seems to have adapted to a form of compensating posture instead of being in alignment with your spine.
First off accept your spine as it is and work within those boundaries so that you may break through them. Awarenss is key breathe and be aware of the breath this helps with balance and you may find the muscless and especially the ligaments that have lost elasticity and hold your neck in this fashion will loosen. Your awarenss will allow you to settle more in your body and use fully your newly accepted body structure to be utilized rather than the muscles and ligamnets you are using Now.
you can lengthen in time the spine and cause it to be more supple with inversions. It is important also that in time your legs and abdomen will loosen up also as they may contribute to other problems.
i would suggest you pay heed to the postures that stretch and strengthen the spine back and legs. I have not been to TTC yet (so with respect to J) so I will add that you should modify the postures to what is comfortable to you and where you find your balance. The following is key: Breathe, have awareness ,find your balance where ever that may be. This is more important even than what form of yoga, what teacher, what asanas even. Shortly you should cut off the tv and learn the sequences so that yoga goes inside as opposed to being an outside thing. This is where awareness comes in. Find the place in your practice where you relax and the ties that bind begin to release. You have it all within you whatsoever you do...do it with full awareness..