You know how to get into the testimoy pages!!!!!
I have not had time to finish up the Longevity Spice Smoothie web pages, that method has ALL I KNOW about human health all wrapped up into a smooth easy package and it is what I bet my life on, if it can't do it, then I was too far gone to be saved is the way I see it.
Brother Jimmy and Brother Veil have 1 full quart of my NO CRASH and I gave 1 quart to a man in Cananda and otherwise I have not made anymore and that was half of my first batch.
Ya might know, many years ago I searched and found out where the one author that created the NO CRASH method went to jail for doing so and I made a copy of the court record and then set it aside and had not seen it for many years and as it goes, right after I finished up the final batch and made the web page on how to use it properly, then i stumbled onto this old paper saying in the USA "IF" you preach the NO CRASH, your asking for a one way ticket to the big house!!!!!!!!!!
The reason this woman got busted, she made a book. I SWEAR, if you want to go to jail, just author a book telling people how to really be healthy and drug free, these FOOLS register their books with the government and I have zero doubts that the feds look at every book to see if it is a threat to their pharmacudical bosses!!!
My longevity Formula has been my best for 15 years and NEVER been popular with anyone, it scares them too much, people still fear herbs while they puff on their ciggarets and think how these herbs may hurt them.
The longevity formula I make is far too complicated to ever be mass duplicated, but the more simple version of the spice 4 life formula could easily be duplicated. I have removed the simple version from my price list, but will make it for those who ask. The spice formulas are the most expensive formulas I make and now that I don't have problems with others; I am re-organising and reducing. It would be nice to see everyone drink correct made smoothies and NEVER CONSUME harmfull foods again! "IF" a person is not hungry, they have it made and properly done, I believe a person can live well and never experience hunger ever again.
The kit I have made is HUGE, it uses a quart of each formula an the NO CRASH powdered fromula is the most expensive formula I have ever made and a quart is almost 2 pounds!!!! I am loading the freezer with fruits and prepping for a long experiement this new year!!!! I then will know first hand just how well the new formulation does work.