I am working through a serious of
food intolerances , and have hit one that I need some help understanding. Somewhere along the way, I became intolerant to vinegar, any vinegar- ACV, balsamic, doesn't matter. My hands itch and break out in a rash if I ingest any. I suspect that its either the acetic acid in the vinegar or some trace of yeast left in it (I once had bad candida overgrowth, but no longer do). If its the acetic acid, it could be that my body cannot metabolize it. My understanding of how the body metabolizes acetic acid is that it is dispersed throughout the body and combines with oxygen or carbon dioxide to be excreted. But, I'm really not sure. Can anyone help me shed light on how the body metabolizes acetic acid and what I could do to assist my body's natural process?
Thanks in advance.