The world is set up in two parts:
2/3rds of everything in the physical world is made out of light but 1/3rd is made of the abscence of light. The God of my Near Death Experience created the light however, God's creation with their own free-will...through their rebellion to the light...manifested an abscence of light. When we choose to enter into this world, we literally fall from the light into a world where we are born, start dying, and physically die. Returning to my body from my NDE, I met a being who exists between heaven and earth who I have called, "The Librarian." He is consumed with charts and mathmatical models. The Librarian is obsessed with every kind of contract that each spirit has made with each other spirit, before the abscence of light started the clock called time or death. Time and death are an illusion but they are illusions each of us agrees to believe in as a ticket to enter into the Librarian's world of birth, dying, and death. Completing the experience in the place where things are born, live, and then die...we then return to the light from where we came...where there is no time or death.
At the dawn of World War III, there are, I believe, opportunities for each of us to turn the tide away from the abscence of light toward the light. While it might seem hopeless, there is always hope when 2/3rds of all spiritual beings are aligned with the light while the Librarian(The recorder of Time) has only 1/3 of the spirits who align themeselves with the abscence of light. God=Love wins at the end of time however the road getting there is left for each individual who participates in the illusion of time to decide what part they will play in that illusion created by the Librarian. One person who refuses to be an instrument of the abscence of light, who instead turns to the once forgotten light of God's love, can upset the Librarian's timetable. One person could even extend mankind's existence on the planet that is earth by a thousand years or more. One person could change war to peace. It is up to each of us to decide which we will choose.
Each of us agreed to roles we would play in this lifetime but free-will makes the puzzle that is light and the abscence of light much more complicated for the Librarian(master mathmatician). The Librarian works very hard to insure that we are rewarded for doing what we were "called" to do in this life but I say "agreed" to do. That calling or agreement does not mean we have to fufill that contract because it is still our free-will to change our hearts and minds to decide what lessons we choose to learn in the life we will live when we fall. The Librarian is like a judge who sends a possie or sheriff to punish those who do not abide by their contracts. Not fulfilling what we agreed to do, the Librarian will make it progressively more difficult to live in our lives if we resist our agreements. But, I believe, it is possible refuse to do that which we agreed to do before we were born. The Librarian will just have to find some other being to fulfill that contract before the next piece of the rubric's cube that is linear history is fulfilled. It may even appear to resistors that "God" himself is against them.
Many who cry out to the unknown may call the Librarian I met in my NDE, "God," but the Librarian is not the "God" we will return to when we return to heaven when we die. It is easy for me to see how the Librarian could be mistaken for God. The Librarian may not be "God" but he does give us little rewards for moving back into line with our agreements. By simply refusing to participate in agreements we make with the Librarian though,when we "sold our soul" to play in the material world, the Librarian will attempt to put enormous pressure on us to manipulate us into following through on what we agreed to do.
There is a test that can be given to know if the agreements we make are agreements we made with the Librarian. If we find the God who is love and see past the illusion of time then we can throw off living a life controlled by space and time by hearing the voice of "God" above the Librarian. The Librarian's agreements are practical. They are closely linked to karma. You do good and you get a reward. If you do bad, you are punished. The acts of good and bad are recorded in records that are kept in the library as a cross reference for the Librarian to use to plug into his sense of justice. The Librarian gives great rewards to those who do good and he sends spirits to those who get off track...those who do not follow his rules. You see, the Librarian believes in a reward and punishment based view of existence. He commands legions of spirits to punish us if we fail to do good. His rewards are an illusion though and every reward he gives may be snapped up and taken away in the next moment. He twists those who exist in space and time to do his will. Pain and suffering are his back up methods of getting us to do what we agreed to do before we were born. His rewards feel like a chain around our neck. We can only receive his rewards if we are on the Librarian's twisted path. Those rewards the Librarian gives are often mana but any reward the Librarian gives you is temporary and an illusion. Those gifts are a lie in that they are rewards the Librarian's gives that only last for a season. They are born, start dying, and then die...
God=Love is a lovng God who gives us free-will to decide who we will follow. We may fall with the Librarian but after the fall, we can decide to choose God who is love over the god who gives rewards that die. God=Love gives love that is given freely and God only wants love that is not given grudingly in return. God's love is not linked to karma except that God created free-will and we can choose to hide from that love when we choose to follow the Librarian into the abscence of light.
The Librarian does do the will of God who is love though. The Librarian records our lives and this is useful. Agreements we make with the Librarian may manifest as physical actions but those agreements are spiritual in nature. If you learn spirtual lessons beyond the laws of karma then you receive pearls or 3D film segments of your life that you get to keep even after the Earth explodes in a firey ball and even beyond that...beyond even when time itself ends. If you do something good but there is no loving intention in that act of goodness then that is not a pearl to help build who you are as a spiritual being in heaven.
While we are living in the world of karma, we will always act out our selfish best interest but our intentions do not have to follow suit. Our loving kindness and loving intentions survive this world and are gifts from the God who is love that will survive eternity. All loving kindness and loving intentions are gifts from the God=love and whatever the God=love gives you is a gift that will never be taken away from you.
You may get a gift in one moment of loving intention and the next moment you may have a selfish intention. The two intentions are separated when time ends... Entering heaven...the twisted or corrupted intentions are untwisted at the door of heaven...while loving kindness and love given to us as gifts from God enter into heaven. Loving Kindness is the building material we get to take with us as we return to heaven when we leave our material bodies below.
If you do bad, the God who is love will never see you as bad...but will blame it on the world. If you do good though with loving kindness and loving intentions, God rejoices as a father and mother rejoice when they see their toddler playing cooperatively with the child they meet in the park. Upon entering into heaven, the acts of good are separated from bad and then are compressed as all of the rewards that the Librarian has given you are purged from your life review. This is who you are in heaven.
God gives love to all of his children equally and we suffer only because we want to get away from that perfect love to try our hand in the rewards and punishmnet system the Librarian created. God does not punish us. We chose to suffering and to suffer (burning=time= birth +dying+death) but leaping into the murderous and illusionairy world of the Librarian is not always going to give to each person equal amounts of God's love. There are many people who are greedy for the gifts of the Librarian and so much so that they don't share them with their fellow man. Suffering is always the result.
If one gives with loving kindess, the Librarian will give you a physical reward as a compliment to God's love. It makes it look like the more physical rewards one gets, the more one is blessed by God...but it can be twisted and most often is by God's followers. We do good and get rewarded and then after we are rewarded, we begin to believe we deserved the rewards we were given. But deserving means we can un-deserve a it is not a gift at all. If it can be taken from you then it is not a gift and certainly not a gift from a God=love=perfect gifts.
The bulk of humanity believes in the Librarian's system of rewards and punishments because it is what they see but what they can't see is where the God above the Librarian can connect with us. Joy...kindness...affection...
A baby will cling to joy, loving-kindness, and affection as they are growing up but they will take rewards and punishment over nothing. Imagine we live in a world of 5 billion of God's children. If we are to be a reflection of God's love, we should treat all of God's children with joy, loving-kindness, and affection or we can play into the Librarian's game of rewarding and punishing others for what they do or don't do. Those who see us will know what system we believe in by our actions but our intentions are often even more clear to those who we oppress. We can say we believe in a God who is love but our intentions will tell those we encounter us who we serve. Love freely given without rewards or punishment is my goal today.