From the FAQs
For you dieters out there you hafta keep in mind that there are no shortcuts or magic potions and that no form of fasting, water, MC whatever were designed as weight loss diets, period. Fasting is meant to take the burden from digestion and all the energy that goes toward it and lets the body use that energy otherwse used for digestion to repair and heal itself. Stop looking at the numbers on the scale they are meaningless and you can easily become obsessed. You will know you are loosing weight by the way your clothes fit and most of all by the way you feel. No amount of wishful thinking or misinformation will make any form of fasting a weight loss diet period. Fasting for weight loss is an inroad to eating disorders if you are not doing it with the full understanding that it is just a "tool" to clean out the system so the body will operate more efficiently and you can continue to loose weight safely and efficiently by the required lifestyle change. No if and or buts about it. If you go back to your old ways you >>WILL<< gain the weight back and possibly more because all forms of fasting will slow the metabolism. The catch and a prime reason that makes any form of fasting not a good weight loss diet is that most overweight folks metabolisms are already slow and if you don't incorporate regular exercise and lifestyle change after the fast the you will fail bringing you back to the beginning or worse and you'll be caught in a vicious cycle and the start of and eating disorder akin to binge and purge. Because all forms of fasting are >>cleanses<< the body will do what it needs to do the most first. Often it will not be weight loss and there will be periods where you might not loose any weight so do yourselves a favor and stop looking and the numbers and press on knowing that you are doing yourselves a world of good and that you are attacking the "root causes" of obesity. Obesity is a "health issue" Weight loss requires a >LIFESTYLE< change. It will require >>REGULAR EXERCISE< no if ands or buts about it. Exercise is the most efficient way to bring the metabolism back on line. Another thing folks need to keep in mind is that 10 days is just the >MINIMUM< for an MC so don't expect any miracles. The body doesn't even start to get into deeper cleansing till day 8 +/- and around 15 +/- days before getting into the deeper cleansing at the cellular lever. Don't expect that you will clean out a lifetimes worth of abuse even with a 40 day MC. It's just a very good start and without the lifestyle and diet change and incorporating regular exercise you will go back where you started or worse. The MC does not CURE anything. There is no magic in the lemonade. It simply takes out the trash and allows the system to heal itself which is what all these cleanses do. Slow and gradual is the only road to "permanent healing/weight loss" there are no shortcuts or magic potions. Educate yourselves, focus, exercise regularly and most of all be patient.