I took Mono for a while last year - I can't say it really did anything to help me, other then dry my skin out. That being said, it didn't cause any negative mental reactions that I was aware of. One thing to be aware of: Mono caused a bad case of Candida in my system, and I'd strongly recommend you put your son on a GOOD probiotic, right now. As an anti-biotic, Mono goes through your system and basically kills all the bacteria, even the good stuff that keeps your body working properly. Without a daily probiotic, your son could get really, really sick if the bad bacteria takes over while the good bacteria is being killed by the anti-biotic. Keep taking the probiotic for a few months after he goes off the Mono too, just to make sure even stays healthy. Candida is NOT something you want to experience lol - it took me a full year to get rid of it, and I'm still on a probiotic.
Best of luck - do you think he'd benfit from some liver cleanses? Mild ones, mind you - like taking milk thistle and some other liver-friendly herbs. Eating radishes raw (think 6 daily) is also a great way to breakup any stones in the liver/gallblader. I can't say I'm a big fan of the whole "liver flush" thing some people advocate on here - I cleansed with herbs and healing foods, and it worked out fine :) Saunas are great way to release toxins as well - two 15 minute sessions (with a five minute shower in between) a couple times a week, even daily if you can, are great.
As for the protein, veggie protein in best - try lentils or chickpeas, nuts and nut butters, wild rice, seeds (hemp seeds are very high protein), even veggie protein shakes like brown rice protein powder and hemp protein powder blended with some rice/nut milk (dairy is horrible for
Acne - stay away from it!) and some fruit, and a teaspoon of honey for some sweetening if desired. I'd suggest staying away from soy though, since most of it is genetically modified and thus not good for you (can mess up your hormones).