I am diabetic and I am apprehensive about taking molasses even. I only take stevia and nothing else. However, I take probiotics and I make my own yogurt, kefir at home. I am also taking EM organisms too. Two months ago, I had an inspiration. Why not let the EM organisms and/or probiotics digest the
Sugar in brown sugar, honey, fruit juices (especially fruits high in
Sugar like pineapples etc.), molasses, maple syrup, White
Sugar etc etc. I have practically used them all in my experiments.
I have also done kvass drinks using all kinds of sweet ingredients and I take a lot of fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut etc. since these have been "digested" by the good bacteria.
I simply let the prepared liquid (containing fruit juice, honey, molasses etc.) and let EM organisms transform the sweetness inside the liquid into something unsweet (bland - no sweetness after two or three days).Then I drink it. If I let the liquid stay longer, it slowly ferments further into something that is vinegary (which is also good and which I take as well). I do not feel any sugar highs or lows while drinking plenty of this stuff. (I get dizzy if my blood sugar goes up and I can feel it right away).
My suggestion and also needs feedback from all your people who have experience to comment on this. Can one do
The Master Cleanse by using probiotics to digest the maple syrup or molasses and then take this with the lemon and cayenne pepper to reap the full benefits of the MC. Mr. Burroughs at his time, may not see the connection between probiotics and his
Master-Cleanse diet. I think this is highly feasible and good for diabetics.