Not only will you not find a Natural dewormer on the shelf, you will not find one known herb that is currative. There are unknown ones and they are eliminated as they become popular.
Anything that is used to correct health, is considered a medicine and regulated. This all started when a woman discoverd how to make cows milk digestable to babies that were dieing on their mother's milk. This lady saved thousands of dieing babies!
She was put to the test with a whole group of dieing babies and she saved them all in a few weeks of digestable milk, that was it, the medical assoctiation had enough!!!!!!!!!!!! They created their union and backed it with jail time to all those that disobey! This woman's business was destroyed and she was used as the example to start the MD union. From that point on, all substances used for health are medicines!
You know the rest of the story, herbalist, naturpaths, chiropractors, and even many hundreds of MD's that refused to stop using cheap non-patentable products went to jail or worse.
This is why Dr. Christopher and Dr. Hulda Clark and many others wrote books giving away their formulas!
You have to make your own to know what is used in the product, it is not hard if you have access to the internet and a live walnut tree helps!
There are good de-wormers made by individulas, but I do not know if there is one made commercially? I do not surf the web enough
to know!
I make my own and in seminars I suggest people learn how to make their own. A Dr. Clark book is your starting point, her formula is as good or better than most. Natural everyone believs their formula to be the best and I am no acception, if I knew a better way I would do it, I depend on it to be the best for my kids.
In the world of self-applied prevention do not rely on a signal commercial product, they have mans poisons all over them, seek farmer that grow organic foods, the web has thousands of such people, it is a growing business!
Herbally seek out an herbalist. For drugs seek a MD., etc.