That is quite a mixture of herbs your taking there, I wonder if they know what all those herbs are suppose to do!!!! Anyway, you are not normally going to have crawling worms come out, odds are they will not let go until dead and they will be part of the bowel movement and not noticed. When you do a liver flush 6-10 days after taking the dewormer and lower bowel capsules, you will then see who has been having you for a 24 hour per day snack most likely since you were very little.
A lesson to learn, if you have parasites after a 30 day treatment the something is not right, if you do a liver flush 1 year after staying on deworming herbs and you see a parasite, then something is not working.
All you will see is what is living in and on the liver and a few straglers that let loose of the intestinal walls during the night of the flush, otherwise, the other 90% living on your flesh and in your fluids will never be seen, they will die and be dissolved, etc. The ones living in the brain and pancreas will resist herbs and many methods, after you have been dewormed for a month or 2, then and only then would I go for advanced cleansing of these parasites if you felt you should.
You must remember, commercial dried herbs are 90% weaker than fresh herbs and normally the liquid herbs are the strongest.
I must ask why anyone would take dried black walnut hull internally? Not so sure about the acid product either. This looks like a shotgun mix used more as a Spring tonic than a method to de-worm, but who knows.
I would also question the use of slippery elm? Why would you want to coat the intestines as you took Casca Sagrada bark to force their action to cleanse and why coat the intestines so the herbs can't enter???? Something does doesn't add up to take this for deworming.
Your missing an extremely important element of deworming, parasites LOVE SUGAR!
I made up a 108 page booklet I use for liver flushing and cure-all type seminars that explains many of the questions you may run into and may save you years of self-experimentation??? I was giving away color copies and ran the store out of printer ink and had to go to the printers and have black and white copies made, not as nice, but you will still get the point. I will give you a hint, people that send me a cool looking letter head, etc. I will still send them a color copy if I have any on the table at the time, I have sent them all around the world in the past 2 weeks and that also ouched alot, but they are free and cover what I have learnt about parasites and cleanses and the side effects of multipling the red blood cells 5X and causing the body to go alkaline and once the stomach is renewed, you wouldn't believe the feeling, it changes your life for ever and sets you free.
I spent a fortune on the gimmics and it can get frustrating and many never do continue after the 1st year. The only reason they fail is the lack of proper education. The Dr. Clark books gives the best parasite info of any modern book, just do her herbal methods and use no ascorbic acids or synthetic so-called vitamins.
Most of all, if your bowels are not moveing for each meal eaten, do not kill parasites, you may just be creating more food for more parasites. Read instructions from many sources until you see a patern, take no ones word as truth, experiment your self based on your best information available.