I just wanted to tell my story before you decide to get an IUD. Perforation of the uterus can happen in 1 out of 1,000 IUD users. My doctor didn’t spend much time discussing this side effect, so I am sharing it with you.
The Mirena is my second IUD. I had a copper T in between my son and daughter. I do believe IUD’s are still a great form of birth control. I got pregnant with my daughter in the first month after I removed my first IUD. With such a great experience the first time, I decided to get another one. My doctor talked me into a Mirena after I told her I didn’t like the heavy periods I got from the copper T. So I had the Mirena put in 8 weeks after my daughter was born.
I was in quite a bit of pain the first day - which is normal. And I had continued
discomfort the first week. I also had some breakthrough bleeding which is normal. About 6 days after insertion, I started to bleed very heavy. Filling a tampon up every hour and I had period-like cramps. I thought it was my period. The “phone-a-nurse” even told me it was normal. But my intuition told me otherwise. So 36hours after the bleeding started, I went back to the doctor. I had an abdominal and intra-vaginal ultrasound…they couldn’t find it. Then they went “fishing” for the strings with a vaginal exam…they couldn’t find it. So I had an x-ray. The x-ray showed that the IUD was sideways, but they couldn’t tell whether it was still in my uterus or not because a uterus cannot be seen on an x-ray.
Surgery was the only option; it had to be removed. I had a laparoscopic procedure under general anesthesia. My IUD was just floating on top of my uterus in my abdomen. The bleeding was from the perforation where the IUD escaped. They were unable to retrieve it through my belly button, so a small incision was made above my pubic bone. I’m just glad I didn’t have to have a hysterectomy, which would have happened it the IUD was embedded into a uterine artery.
The IUD is a great birth control. Just make sure you have all the facts and weigh all the pros and cons before you make your decision!!!