You know Super, I think you are probably not a bad person – Do you ever stop to think what you are trying to accomplish with your posts? The impression one might get from your posts is that you are feeling that your religious beliefs make you superior in some way. Your ‘Evil’ posts are just plain ignorant! You seem very intent on repeatedly painting the picture of ME – GOOD; YOU – BAD (or evil, low life, etc. etc.). It sounds more like you have a lot of hate and judgment in your life. How does that feel to assign names like ‘evil’ and low life to people you’ve never met?
Some of the hate you spew at ‘liberals’ and ‘pro-choicers’ is not unlike other religious fundamentalists who feel all Christians are evil (so much so that they want to kill them). Your ways and your words are dividing and intended to create war with a winner and loser. You don’t seem to want a solution – only to knock the other side down. The thing is – if the Fundamentalist Christian groups get their wish and outlaw abortions – there will be losers on both sides.
There have been some very good discussions brought up that truly begin to discuss the complexity of this issue – but you don’t seem to add anything beneficial to the discussion. Your purpose on this board seems to be to insult and divide. You assign negative names to everyone who doesn’t share your beliefs and then sound like you’re going to cry when someone tells you your post is ignorant.
If this is the born-again Christian way – no thank you. I don’t think you’ll be getting many folks to sign up for the ‘good life’ you keep telling us you have.
Go out and get an education in the real world. Volunteer - outside of your church! Travel! Perhaps you will come back and feel more smug than ever that you are right and the rest of the world is evil – and just maybe you will begin to see how small your view of the world is.