Gianna Jessen is a living survivor of an abortion. Her mother went in to abort her. She had a saline abortion which burns the babies skin all over like an acid. I think they call it cherry babies. The mother was 7 1/2 months pregnant when she decided to abort her baby. She is the result of a botched abortion. The abortionist expected her death around 9:00 in the morning. But she was born early instead. She arrived alive instead of dead at 6:00 a.m. The abortion doctor wasn't in the clinic when she was born. The girl was born with burns all over her body except for her face. She developed cerebral palsy as a result of the abortion.Due to the fact that she was alive and the doctor wasn't there in the abortion clinic the nurses went hysterical. They called a hospital to come and get her. There were other girls there waiting for their dead babies to come out dead after they had the saline injection. Gianna was the only one who was born instead of dead.
She had to take physical therapy for the disability and have 4 surgeries. She weighed 2
pounds and was in the hospital for 3 months. She was adopted. She has suffered much over the surgeries, falling, physical therapy, etc. She says that she is glad to be alive and thanks God every day that she is alive. She has met other abortion survivors and they also have cerebral palsy.
She says she does not consider herself a biproduct or a clump of tissue or any other titles given to a child in the womb.
She says..today a baby is a baby when convenient. It is tissue or otherwise when the time is right. A baby is a baby when a miscarrage takes place at 2,3, or 4 months..a baby is called a tissue or clumps of cells when an abortion takes place at 2,3 or 4 months. Why is that? I see no difference what are you seeing? Many close their eyes.
There is a quote etched in the high ceiling of our state capital building. The quote says whatever is morally wrong,is not politically correct." Abortion is morally wrong. Our country is shedding the blood of the innocent. America is killing its future.
All life is valuable.All life is a gift from our Creator.We must receive and cherish the gifts we are given. We must honor the right to Life.