First off Not partial birt abortion but dilation & extraction. Partial birt was the term made up by the pro-life side. I stick with the medical terms hence fetus and zygote, not child.
Of the procedures performed the vast majority is done to protect the mother’s life and if the fetus is dead, if the fetus suffers from anencephaly, meaning that while it would carry to term, it would not have developed most of its brain, or if the fetus developed a severe case of hydrocephalus, a swelling of the skull, all of which also put the mother into danger.
A bill which would prevent D&X would leave the decision making to the legislature, allowing bureaucratic conservative men dictate what a woman will do with her body in all occasions no matter the doctors’ professional opinions or patients’ will. Once any restrictions are places, it is impossible to stop the reach of the limit. If some pro-choicers still want to ban this type of abortion maybe they should consider switching sides or creating a new group.
In short yes, I support D&X. It's not used nearly as much as the pro-life side makes it out to be, less than 2% of all abortions.