SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) was disastrous. I usually have problems, so I opt for the tea. But I felt like I needed a more thorough cleansing. I added extra salt as suggested, but it still didn't work. Instead, my kidneys picked it up, and I puffed up. Gained 2 pounds, my hands, feet and face swelled, and my joints hurt worse than usual. It took a while for my body to release it through the bladder, and until it did, I was miserable.
As for enemas, I just bought a reusable enema bag at a drug store a few years ago. I use them when the detox symptoms get bad, and I'm not really good at it yet. I can't hold it very long, but it does work. I just use warm water. There is an excellent forum here, but I haven't hung out there much. I did buy a home colema kit on ebay (about $200) and love it. However, I have lost the tubing and am too stubborn to buy new! I'll find it soon, as we are doing our spring cleaning...
I haven't had the
colonic yet. I called last year and it was about $65. But it's a long drive, and I have a bad back. I don't want to go when I have the kids with me, but that's usually the only time I go down. I'm definitely going to try one soon.
Hope that answers both of your questions...
Keep up the good work. The forum is SO encouraging; I couldn't do it without all of you!