Hi All,
I am finding that my metabolism slows down noticabely when my caloric intake is reduced, fasting or otherwise. If I exercise however, it seems to kick back up (no surprise). I am also finding that if I do a very strenous workout, a few hours later my detox (or whatever) function kicks way in, to the point that I get very strong cravings to eat, specifically carbs, again no surprise.
I am posting this to see if strenous workouts during a juice fast are more or less desirable than lesser workouts in that the fallout after they are done is more. I know Somer has posted many times that she works out every day she fasts, and this goes to her as well as everyone. How much do you (all) workout?... and is the strong desire to eat food what you are looking for as an indication that the process of detoxification is working? I am trying to find the balance between slow metabolism and ripping the refrigerator door off to get some satiation.