Sounds like a good general detox is in order! Those dark circles would make me particularly concerned about your liver.
Start with a
parasite cleanse (there is a good forum here)
Then, do a juice fast if that appeals to you, either
The Master Cleanse (much less work intensive than juicing!) or fruit/veg juices. Shoot for ten days. If you do not wish to fast, eat fruits and vegetables for 2-4 weeks--this is a good gentle cleanse.
After the fast (or while eating the cleansing diet),
flush your liver . Go to the
Liver Flush Forum , click at the top of the page for the FAQs and read all about it! Ask any questions you have on the very informational and supportive
Liver Flush Forum ! This is a simple, cheap, VERY effective flush of your liver, which filters virtually every drop of blood that goes to ALL your organs, including your skin... Remember, it often takes several flushes for best results. I did 4-5 before I passed a whole POTTY load of beautiful jade green stones the size of small prunes! Since then my skin, and certainly my digestion, have never been better!
Sounds like you are on the right trail!