CureZone Newsletter - "Educating
Instead of Medicating!"
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Are you aware of the fact that statistically, more often then not people have parasites living inside their body - parasitic animals like round worms, tapeworms, flat worms, or microscopic protozoa. But, if you ask your friend if he is aware that there could be parasites inside his body, he would say: "Parasites? Me? Are you Kidding?" We all prefer to believe that parasites, well that is something that happens to other people, not Me! "I was the same. The first time I read Hulda Clark's book "The Cure For All Cancers", I though "This woman is crazy! She is far out there!" But, as I became more and more interested in parasites, I come across many stories proving again and again that Hulda is not "Far out There!". My opinion about Hulda changed 180 degrees when I discovered pin worms in my stool and in the stool of my kids, after taking parasites killing tincture, containing Black Walnut Hull, Cloves and Wormwood." If you are interested to learn more about parasites, here are few important curezone links:
This issue and all previous issues are available on our web site:
Disclaimer: The information contained herein is intended for educational
purposes only.
By using the information presented in this Newsletter, you agree to take FULL
responsibility for yourself. Self-help requires intelligence, common
sense, and the ability to take responsibility for your own actions. You
have the right to be healthy! CureZone team encourages you to make your
own health care decisions based upon your research (or eventually in partnership
with a qualified health care professional - when available. ) |