The flushing marathon continues. I flushed Nov.8,Nov.14, Nov.17,and Nov.20&21. I am doing this because of almost constant pain. The flushes I did Thursday and Friday night were very simple using two
Epsom Salt drinks and 3/4 cup olive oil and 3/4 cup apple juice.
On the Monday, 11/17 flush I got lots of large stones including a hard white stone, over an
inch long and shaped like a jelly bean. I think it was the largest stone I ever passed. While the stone was hard, it was not solid. Inside was jade green with red veins running through it. I cut other large stones and they all had the red veins; this was the first time I noticed this. On Thursday afternoon I had some very sharp pains in my right side. I decided to do another flush that night. The next morning I passed about 20 good sized stones, very clean, no chaff, and with sharp angles. This was the first time for these stones too. There were about 100 small stones and for the first time I passed what seemed to be pure oil. Today I have passed at least 200 stones pea to lentil sized, and an huge amount of thick, acidic fluid. The pain is down to a dull ache; and although I feel very tired I am no longer feverish like I have been most of the week.
I still don't recommend flushing this often for the average person; but I now know that it can be safely done when its needed. Just don't let yourself get dehydrated.
Oh, wondering about the title of my post? I decided after many flushes to save some stones in the freezer. When I was transfering today's haul from a paper plate to the freezer container I spilled some and couldn't find them. Logic tells me they are now only a spot of oil. However my warped mind envisions guests picking up a small jade green bead, and I get to tell them what it really is :-D. I hope no body finds my 1/2 cup of frozen stones, they're labeled flax seeds.