We had 12 years of trying to concieve and 5 years of vitamins and drugs and procedures - these are the lastest things you want to do as far as vitamins. Proceed is a fertility herbal supplement but it is expensive. Also - Maca was discovered to help sperm count but we didn't have him start on that until later in the process. Make sure you don't drink much alcohol, give up caffiene, don't take really hot showers, switch to boxer shorts and drink plenty of water. Only have intercourse every other day around the time of fertility and i read somewhere the pesticide used on bananas can cause low sperm counts--so we gave up those for a while and only ate organic. Remember - after 1 year of trying you should get your numbers tested (if you haven't already)and it could possibly be low because of a vericocele (google that and you can see what that is)
This is the information I accumulated:
A lack of zinc can reduce testosterone levels. For men with low testosterone levels, zinc supplementation raises testosterone and also increases fertility. For men with low semen zinc levels, zinc supplements may increase both sperm counts and fertility. Most studies have infertile men take zinc supplements for at least several months. The ideal amount of supplemental zinc remains unknown, but some doctors of natural medicine recommend 25 mg three times per day
Arginine is an amino acid found in many foods; it is needed to produce sperm. Most research shows that several months of arginine supplementation increases sperm count and quality and also fertility. However, some studies have reported that arginine helps few, if any, infertile men. Nonetheless, many doctors of natural medicine suggest 4 grams of arginine per day for several months to see if it will help infertile men
Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient used by the body in the production of energy. While its exact role in the formation of sperm is unknown, there is evidence that as little as 10 mg per day (over a two-week period) will increase sperm count and motility
Vitamin E deficiency in animals leads to infertility.
In a preliminary human trial, 100–200 IU of vitamin E given to each man and woman of infertile couples led to a significant increase in fertility.
Vitamin B12 is needed to maintain fertility. Vitamin B12 injections have increased sperm counts for men with low numbers of sperm.
Carnitine is a substance made in the body and also found in supplements. It appears to be necessary for normal functioning of sperm cells. In studies, supplementing with 3–4 grams per day for four months has helped to normalize sperm motility in men with low sperm quality
Recommended amounts:
Vitamin C
1,000 mg 3 times a day.
Reduce dose if diarrhea develops.
Vitamin E
400 IU twice a day.
Check with your doctor if taking anticoagulant drugs.
1 pill mixed carotenoids twice a day with food.
Each pill should provide 25,000 IU vitamin A activity.
Zinc / Copper
30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper a day.
Add copper only when using zinc longer than 1 month.
Flaxseed oil
1 tbsp (14 grams) a day.
Can be mixed with food; take in the morning.
500 mg L-arginine 4 times a day for 3 months.
Don't use if you have kidney disease or genital herpes, or are prone to cold sores. Take with a mixed amino acid complex.
Panax ginseng
100-250 mg twice a day; rotate with Siberian ginseng.
Standardized to contain at least 7% ginsenosides.
Siberian ginseng
100-300 mg twice daily; rotate with Panax ginseng.
Standardized to contain at least 0.8% eleutherosides
What's recomended:
3-4grams daily (3000-4000mg)
(acetylcarnatine & levocarnatine)
Vitamin C 5 grams per day(5000mg)
Zinc 25mg 3x per day
Vitamin E 100-200IU or (100 mg)
Multi vitamin w/o iron
Coenzyme Q10 10mg per day
Enhanced DHEA 200mg per day
Bioperine 5mg (5000mg)
B-12 50mcg per day
Selenium – 1 tab a day
Bee pollen
Syberian ginsing
Daily vitamins and minerals:
ZMA Anabolic Mineral Support Formula
90 mg Zinc
31.5 mg B-6
1,350 mg Magnesium
Advanced Multi vitamin with Herbs
5000 IU Vitamin A -
6 mg Vitamin B-6
120 mg Vitamin C
400 IU Vitamin D
60 IU Vitamin E
80 mcg Vitamin K
400 mcg Folic Acid
180 mg Calcium
18 mg Iron
100 mg Magnesium
Pantholic Acid
3,000mg L-Carnatine
400 IU Vitamin E
100mg B-12
400 mcg Folic Acid
1,000mg Vitamin C
10 mg Coenzyme Q10