In case anyone is interested, I pasted this from Dom's website. I am going to try what he says and hope it saves my kefir...
Viili Cross-contamination. Kefir grains may easily become cross-contaminated if the grains come in contact with viili ; a Nordic ropy culture-milk product. If culturing viili in close proximity to kefir, kefir grains may begin producing a kefir with a ropy consistency, making it next to impossible to strain the culture milk-product through a sieve. Kefir grains readily adopt the Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris SBT 1275 organism, a specific type-strain responsible for the blob-like or ropy consistency of viili. One only needs to use the same spoon to stir or scoop viili, which later comes in contact with kefir grains, to cross-contaminate kefir grains. Even if days later the same spoon comes in contact with kefir grains, the grains will produce a cross between kefir and viili [Certain members of my kefir lists refer to the cross-culture as Kefviili, or Kefiili]. To remedy this problem, water-fast pre-rinsed kefir grains in fresh, clean cold water for 24 to 48 hours, resting the grains in the refrigerator during the water fast. Strain the grains through a sterile sieve, rinse the grains with cold sterile water and then culture in fresh milk per usual [making certain to sterilize the jar and lid first]. The rinsing and fasting of viili cross-contaminated kefir grains may need to be performed more than once, and possibly up to 3 times.