My 6th and 7th
Liver Flush released only tan gravel. Cleanses 1-5 released green and tan blobs, but the sum total is probably only a few hundred, not thousands like other people have gotten. On the 7th cleanse I tried the Pint of olice oil flush where you drink 3tbs of oil and 2tbs of lemon juice in 10
oz. of water every 15 minutes until you drink 10 glasses. I could only finish 7 glasses. I was hoping that this approach would release more junk than drinking all the oil and juice at once. Didn't happen that way. Just got the gravel. I still have acidic bile taste in my mouth and fats still make me sluggish so I believe my liver/gallbladder are not fully cleaned yet. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong to not have released any stones on 6th and 7th cleanse and to have such a low total stone count - especially given that I know I have a sluggish/fatty liver. I hope the next cleanse will release more junk.
On my 5th cleanse I got some
parasites out. So I am going to use Paragone for a couple of cycles. Anyone use this product before? Looks like it has all the recommended
parasite killing herbs in it. Thanks. Kind Regards, Scott