Dear Dr. V~
A couple of weeks ago I used 2 boxes of pads. I was out of town for a week but when I came back I ordered another 3 boxes. The bunion area of my foot is very sore whether from too much walking, too much uric acid, or some other problem. The spot that hurts corresponds exactly with the spleen meridien. ( I occasionally have pain I believe is located in the spleen)
I soaked both feet last nite in warm, water and
Epsom Salts . Out of frustration I put a pad on the sole of the left foot AND one on the bunion/big toe area. During the nite I had an unusual throbbing sensation in the bottom of my foot, a cramp or throbbing, I don't know but it was very painful. This morning I took both pads off and both were dark and discolored. The interesting thing is that the swelling and most of the pain in the big toe was gone.
My question is do the pads work on other boday parts and are you surprised by this manifestation of pain relief?
Thank you in advance. I really appreciate you bringing this product to us!