Dear Agnes,
25 years ago I lived for an extended time in India. My recent bloodtest showed that I had been Hepathitis B infected, and most probably had it when I was there.My symptoms are: That I have a minor yellowish complexion, and problems with my digestion. I have followed and still do a healthy diet. I heared that the liver can restore itself if it gets the right tools.
My question now is:
Do you know of any Diat, treatment that has been effectfull?
About 2 month ago I did the "
Hulda Clark " liverflush, which has
not been a great success.
I questioned: how good a big amount of
Olive-Oil can be, for a weak liver, which can't digest fat.
I don't feel sick or weak, however I know I have to follow a plan that helps me to restore the liver back to a healty condition.
I would appreciate your imput, and thank you in advance,