Ha! Well, it's been about 17 year since the neurotransmitter disorder began with no signs of healing. But I've done enough personal dietary testing to learn how to keep it controlled part of the time. And unfortunately, it's now keeping company with multiple sclerosis, arthritis, leaky gut syndrome, candida, and ulcers (h.pilori). Overall, though, I'm doing much better than one might expect.
By doing the pads, I hope to build up to clay baths which I fear may affect me more strongly than the pads).
I'm currently taking grapefruit seed extract which I understand is anti-parasitic, as well as having bacterial and virus killing abiities. I can tell that it's doing something because I have die-off reactions after taking it without fail. Doesn't last long long though. I've chosen it because it's been proven in testing by me to be safe for my neurotransmitter disorder.
I'm so chemically sensitive (affecting brain messaging, which by the way is very tramatic) that no herbal combinations can be taken. It's only safe to test them one at a time. That is to say, a combination herbal like cloves,
Wormwood , and
Black-Walnut can not be taken without taking just clover only or
Wormwood alone, or
Black-Walnut without the others. If I took them all together and had a severe reaction (which is likely given that there are very few things that are safe for me) then I would be terrified of all three herbs and might be too tramatized to try any one of them again.
It is also why I have not been able to do a liver cleanse, kidney cleanse, and some of the other protocols. But the pads are safe for me, and I'm hoping that by detoxing enough through the pads, then baths, and maybe later a more serious
parasite cleanse, then perhaps I'll have less of a neuro reaction when I finally get brave enough to do a liver cleanse. One can hope anyhow.
All this detoxing is more likely to affect the MS in a positive way than the neurotransmitter disorder I have though. There has been no literature, nor no one online, nor nothing in any medical literature that my husband has come across or heard about, that has described a neurotransmitter disorder like the one that I have. I'm pretty much on my own in trying to figure it out. In fact, trying to treat it like other people's neurotransmitter disorders has the opposite affect on mine. I have seen nothing in all these years that improves it, only muffles it.
Anyway, the above is why I lack hope with my neuro disorder. I've tried day after day for 17 years to solve it without anything to encourage the idea of healing being possible. Karen