I don't need to do "anything", certainly not "Lighten up".
I get rather tired of the b.s. on this forum, mainly by zapper sellers and disinformation artists. I ran a nursing home for years, and beyond that have dealt with electromedicine/therapy for 2 years now personally, on a DAILY basis. I have seen people DIE for B.S. - and for believing something that was B.S. like taking TON's of medication (15 different ones in one case, I watched him die). I also have seen people use electronic medicine or BIOelectronics with GREAT success, and fall back into disease conditions or reinfection later because they were too embarrassed about their condition to do something about it, or simply lacked the vigilance, follow through, or belief in what they had seen (some pretty miraculous and so called "impossible" things).
So NO, your wrong, I don't need to lighten up. I'd also suggest you do your homework a little more thoroughly before you start posting false things about the F165 - which is an INCREDIBLE device, small, portable, and POWERFUL, both in voltage output, and programmability, etc. Yet, YOU falsely mistakenly (I realize we all make mistakes) attribute Scoon's B.S. to the F165 - which DIDn't EVEN EXIST back then :) HA.
SO NO, I won't lighten up, particularly when HUMAN SUFFERING, MONEY (limited), RESOURCES, and PRECIOUS TIME are of essence in MOST situations of those following this forum, and MY POSTS.
And quite frankly, I stand correct.