A Zapper, simply put, is an electronic oscillating circuit, designed to kill
parasites by DC (positive) offset electric oscillating fields.This link may be interesting to you
As for where to get it, there are huge numbers of places! For instance, go to google and type in "Clark Zapper" and you will come up with piles. :-) Prices rang from $10 to Several Thousand depending on different features. Some are more based on Beck or Rife technology, so are quite a bit different, but you will find some of the more popular Clark Zappers include (but are not limited too!) The Zapper, Don Croft's Terminator, ParaDevices ParaZapper, Don Croft's Terminator II, and many more. (I can't think of any more at this moment!)
For me, it has worked to make colds virtually non-existant, flues easy to wipe out, and easy to keep away, I no longer suffer from menstrual cramps (no kidding, they are caused by parasites!), I no longer have low blood sugar,
Acne has disappeared from about 90% of what it used to be. I used to get terrible cold sores regularly, (I mean one every other week) and as long as I Zap regularly, I don't get them at all. I don't get pink eye or ring worm either! - I feel like that's just a small piece of what it's done for me, but I'll just leave it at that. I use the $10 Zapper from
Top of the day to you!
Naomi Free