My fiance' has been doing the Beck protocols, and general zapping at 15 hertz 2 hours a day BOTH for some weeks now. She commented just yesterday that HER HAIR LOSS has stopped (but she was thinking maybe it had something to do with her shampoo). Many researcher's have noted that some hair loss can be from
parasites of various kinds, or pathogens.
If you are following Clark's regimen, seems the
Colon Cleanse (intestinal) is the first step to health, along with the Dr.
Clarkia at the SAME time, with PLENTY OF WATER intake per day (one of my doc's said half your body weight in
ounces of water per day... so if you weigh 180 pounds, you drink 90
ounces of water a day... a good way was suggested that 90
ounces divided over the first 10 hours from your wake up from sleep... a drink every 30 minutes... a habit that can be formed over a dedicated 3 week routine... it's a lifestyle change or habit, but one more natural and necessary for complete and true hydration to the body, and CRITICAL for success on the FLUSHES and CLEANSES). You have to CLEAN and CLEANSE OUT YOUR BOWEL and some 32 foot of intestinal TUBING...however you want to look at it... you got to GET THE CRUD OUT first... CLEAN YOUR PIPES. Then Clark says move on to the LIVER FLUSHING. Also, KIDNEY flushing is super important.
But so is the dental clean up... remove all metal from the mouth, including almagams. I did this myself. Then you have to look at your pets, or your sexual or other intimate contacts. If they have
parasites or pathogens, and you clean up your environment, food, water, etc. and they are carrying the pathogens or
parasites back to you, reinfecting you, YOU are wasting your time (or the people you live with). You may get or feel BETTER for a while, but you will just get reinfected again, if they are infected.
Zapping is simple, just use it if you want to expirament with electrohealth.
It's elementary bioelectronics, but not as effective or powerful as plate zapping (Dr. Clark's methodology), or frequency specific zapping (plugging in specific frequency and targeting the pathogens with specific resonances or frequencies to KILL or NEUTRALIZE THEM!). Also, check out the Beck movie I posted online again for FREE for Christmas, or Christ's Mass GIFT to the planet. I hope that was PC enough for all, as in Pretty Cool. Enjoy.